Welcome to the Denver Metro STI Coalition.
Uniting Denver Metro to improve the sexual health of all communities.
We are committed to:
We are committed to:
- Increase access to STI prevention, screening, testing, and treatment.
- Improve community and provider awareness and education.
- Reduce STI health disparities.
This site is a meeting space that provides members of Denver Metro STI Coalition stay connected with a shared calendar, discussion forums, member profiles, photo gallery, file storage and more.
This area will display upcoming events as they approach on the calendar
Provider Management for the Prevention of Congenital Syphilis in Colorado Infographic
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Upcoming Conference
This area will display upcoming events as they approach on the calendar
Doxy PEP Resources
Documents created for Doxy PEP use in the Denver Metro area are listed below and can be found at: https://courses.denverptc.org/DMSC.html
DMSC Resources
DMSC Resources